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Belgrano, Adrien. "Danses profanes et lieux sacrés au Moyen Âge central: Les danses dans les cimetières entre contrôle social et négociations."

Belgrano, Adrien. "Danses profanes et lieux sacrés au Moyen Âge central: Les danses dans les cimetières entre contrôle social et négociations." European Drama and Performance Studies no. 8 (2017): 25-41.

This article takes the example of the cursed dancers of Colbeck as its point of departure in order to understand how, for a long time, dancing in cemeteries was a subject of moral discourse. The following two stages are connected to the history of the Church: at first clearly distinguishing non-clerical dancing from liturgy, then rejecting dance in general as evil. The violence of these condemnations is perhaps explained by the existence of a competing morality: that of dancers.

Year of publication: 2017

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