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Nordera, Marina. "Représenter la dissimulation: Hommes et femmes au bal (Italie, xvie siècle)."

Nordera, Marina. "Représenter la dissimulation: Hommes et femmes au bal (Italie, xvie siècle)." European Drama and Performance Studies no. 8 (2017): 93-113.

As part of a history of representations of the body experienced through dance, this contribution scrutinizes sources published during the long sixteenth century in Italy. The ball–and, in particular, two-person dancing–are sites where moral norms are observed at work in the cultural and social construction of femininity and masculinity. The study of concealment strategies triggered when these practices take place reveals the traces of the phenomenological presence of the body, in the shadow of the civilizing and moralizing process.

Year of publication: 2017


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